
I’ll bet this kid never tries to steal a sign again

Boy shocked after man powers up campaign sign

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. Shawn Turschak of Chapel Hill was tired of someone stealing McCain-Palin campaign signs from his yard. Turschak, with a degree in electrical engineering, hooked up a third sign to a power source for an electric pet fence Monday and also put up a surveillance camera.

The News & Observer of Raleigh reported that a 9-year-old boy with an Obama-Biden sign grabbed the McCain-Palin sign and got a jolt on Tuesday.

The boy’s father, Andrew Noble, upset that his son had been shocked, showed up at Turschak’s door. Soon an Orange County sheriff’s deputy also showed up at the Turschak’s home.

Noble said his son just wanted to see how the sign was put together. Turschak said the boy intended to swap out the signs.

Sheriff Lindy Pendergrass said he doesn’t plan to file charges.


Information from: The News & Observer,

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

The boy ” just wanted to see how the sign was put together?” That’s bullshit. It was pretty obvious from the video footage that the kid was planning on replacing the McCain/Palin sign with an Obama/Biden sign.

The great thing about this country is that we can support and vote for whomever we please. I supported neither McCain nor Obama; however, I wouldn’t rip up signs for either candidate in the hopes that voters would consider someone else if they didn’t have their signs in their yards. In my opinion, the kid deserved what he got. Vandalism is vandalism, and until we all learn to respect the rights of others to vote for whomever they feel can best run the country, we’ll always people doing stupid things in the name of a candidate.

Let’s hope that in 2012, Mr. Turschak doesn’t have to shock anyone else into leaving his property alone.

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