In my efforts to get The Temple of the Muses up and running, I accidentally broke the WordPress for it and had to remove and reinstall it. Because Fantastico doesn’t allow me to choose names for my separate installs of WordPress, I killed the one I thought to be the install for Temple, only to see that the broken Temple install was still there.
Let me tell you, I freaked out in a BIG way. You see, I hadn’t backed up my files, which meant that everything would have been GONE.
Fortunately, I had just removed the WordPress files that I had downloaded for this blog, so the blog wasn’t killed. I just downloaded the WordPress files to this directory again, and everything was right in my little world again.
Oh, and the Temple of the Muses is coming along as planned, and I’m sure that you’ll be as pleased with the results as I am!
I also downloaded all of my blogs, just in case I ever manage to really kill this blog, and I’ll be doing backups regularly to ensure that I don’t lose any of my work.