
On Grief and Pregnancy Loss

I was prepared to offer up a happy blog with happy things today, but there’s been a miasma over the whole week.  A beloved family member lost the child that he and his wife  were looking forward to bringing into the world. It happened today.   We know what caused it and have answers to the biological whys, but that doesn’t make the grieving process any easier.

I too have had pregnancy losses.  Most of them were so early as to barely count as miscarriages, but there was one that was so late that it could almost have been a stillbirth, and that was the one that traumatized me the most.

I can’t claim to know what my relative and his wife are going through right now–each experience is different, and we all grieve in our own ways.  I can speak to my own losses, though, and how they affected me.

First of all, they hurt like hell.  Not just the cramps, but the loss itself.  From my earliest memories, my biggest dream was to be a mother.  My career aspirations changed all of the time–doctor, opera singer, botanist, actress, writer, art therapist, curator, webmistress, hospital administrator, small business owner, etc–but the one thing that never, ever changed was that burning desire to have a child of my own and raise him or her to the best of my abilities.  To have my own body deny and betray me was hard to bear.  I felt like less of a woman because my body just refused to let me carry a child all the way past the finish line.

With only one pregnancy loss, I was married–the other times, I was single or past my divorce.  Sometimes I was in relationships, and sometimes I wasn’t.  I’m not proud of some of the things I’ve done, but I refuse to believe that my unborn babies died for my sins.

I am a follower of Christ, and as such, I believe that Jesus died for my sins and was resurrected on the third day.  I do not believe that my children were taken away for my sins–Jesus took care of that.

There is one reason and one alone that my unborn children died:

Shit happens.

Life is imperfect.  Circumstances sometimes deprive us of the things we desire most.  It’s not out of some cosmic desire to punish us for being the fallible creatures we are.  We don’t all have perfect bodies.  We aren’t all nubile and fecund.  We don’t all have genius in ways that will bring us fortune and fame.

We are who we are.  Life happens to us whether we are prepared for it or not.  Sometimes great things happen to us, and sometimes unspeakably painful things happen to us.  Sometimes we don’t even realize what a good thing we had until it is gone and can never be replaced.

What matters most is how we react to loss and pain.  Do we allow it to destroy us or delay us, or do we learn from it and build something beautiful on the ashes of the loss?  There’s nothing wrong with a little destruction, as long as we rise from the ashes of our loss with courage, wisdom, and the strength to build a better life in the name of those who we have lost.

At the end of my life, I want all of my children, regardless of whether they were born or not, to be able to be proud of the woman I am when it is my time to go.  I want to hold them all and let them know that I always loved them, and that they are all a part of me.  I want my living child (and any future children I have) to look at me and see strength, wisdom, courage, and a role model.  When they lose something they hold dear (and because they are human and life is imperfect, they will), I hope that they look at my life and find the courage within themselves to carry on with faith, hope, and love, knowing that they too can make the best of any situation and draw strength even from the gravest of losses.

Some say that time heals all wounds.  I respectfully disagree–time just gives us the ability to be stronger than our pain and carry on.  The ache is still there, but it becomes more bearable with each passing day.

If you are grieving a lost child, please know that it gets better. Reach out for help if you need it–you don’t have to bear your burden alone!


Sickness and deferred ideas

I was going to go run errands and visit our Shelter Gardens, but I had a nasty allergic reaction and was felled by a flareup of a health issue I have, so I took some benadryl and spent the bulk of the day resting whenever the pain would let me.

Fortunately, I have the kind of boyfriend who is okay with plans getting changed on account of sickness, so we’re watching cartoons with my daughter and cuddling.  We plan on tidying up around here, then getting dressed up a bit and taking some fancy pictures together, just for fun.

But look for a very special blog either later today or sometime this week.



I wanted to do a big, huge, happy post today, but the realities of life dragged me away from writing.  Fortunately, I’ve got some wonderfully relaxing time this weekend with my loved ones, and I plan to do my big blog post of happiness on Sunday, after I get some footwork and errands out of the way.


Oh, what a wild and crazy week it’s been so far!

Monday was spent at the doctor’s office getting poked and prodded and getting some news that made me sad, but I can face up to it.

Tuesday, we walked to Samantha’s doctor’s appointment and found out that she’s tall, but underweight, but we’ve got stuff to help her gain, and she seems to like it so far.  I also got a package from Martin Page (who is awesome personified), and that lifted my spirits a LOT.  I also got to catch up with my BFF, and we talked for HOURS about everything and nothing.

Wednesday, I got sick and ended up lollygagging around, reading and napping and taking care of Samantha instead of doing all I meant to to.  Argh.  I did fit in some exercise before things got really bad.  I also did some dishes and laundry.

Today, though, just got started.  I need to get some sleep now, but I have a big laundry list of things to accomplish by the end of the day.  We’ll see if I make it!


Today, I am proud to live in Columbia

About an hour ago, around 5000 people started forming a wall of love and support for local hero Spc. Sterling Wyatt.  He was 21 years old, and he died July 11, 2012, in Afghanistan while serving our country.  Today, his family and friends will honor him and lay him to rest.

Unfortunately, a hate group whose name I will not even mention because I do not want to sully my blog with it is coming to protest the funeral.  They rejoice when our soldiers die, and they claim that God hates the United States because we do not punish people for being homosexuals.

Now, I don’t claim to speak for God, but I do know what I’ve read in the Bible says that what that group is doing is wrong on multiple levels.  As long as what a person does doesn’t hurt children or animals, it’s between them and God–it’s none of my business.  Besides, if God were really punishing the US for not persecuting people for being homosexuals, He would also be punishing lots of other countries who not only don’t punish homosexuals, but also permit homosexuals to marry, raise children, and go about their business peacefully. Oddly enough, those countries seem to be doing pretty well compared to the US, so their “logic” is not only ridiculous–it’s flawed on the most fundamental level.

Anyway, these people are coming to spread their message of hate, and they, of course, advertised that they were doing so and passed out information about it.

And once they got word of it, the City of Columbia, as a community, rose up and said, “We’re not having it.”  This group is still coming, but organizers got word out, and over 5000 people over two events posted on Facebook alone (not counting what measures may have been taken by word-of-mouth or other social media outlets) have said that they will stand as a living, peaceful shield of love and support between Sterling Wyatt’s loved ones and this group of hatemongers.  Organizers have asked all of the people showing up to wear red, to stand quietly and respectfully, and to ignore the group in question no matter what they do.

I am proud of my community.  People of all ages, shapes, sizes, genders, ethnicities, political affiliations, and belief systems are standing together as one today.  Today, we have put our differences aside as a community and stood strong together in the face of hate.  Together, we will show this group that love, respect, peace, and community will triumph over hate and evil.

Today this group will see the face of God in our community.  Whether they will continue to turn away and blaspheme the Heavenly Father with their hate is entirely up to them

But today, they (and we) will see what love can do.

May everyone learn from this day.



In my efforts to get The Temple of the Muses up and running, I accidentally broke the WordPress for it and had to remove and reinstall it.  Because Fantastico doesn’t allow me to choose names for my separate installs of WordPress, I killed the one I thought to be the install for Temple, only to see that the broken Temple install was still there.

Let me tell you, I freaked out in a BIG way.  You see, I hadn’t backed up my files, which meant that everything would have been GONE.

Fortunately, I had just removed the WordPress files that I had downloaded for this blog, so the blog wasn’t killed.  I just downloaded the WordPress files to this directory again, and everything was right in my little world again.

Oh, and the Temple of the Muses is coming along as planned, and I’m sure that you’ll be as pleased with the results as I am!

I also downloaded all of my blogs, just in case I ever manage to really kill this blog, and I’ll be doing backups regularly to ensure that I don’t lose any of my work.

Martin Page Music


Martin Page’s new album, “A Temper of Peace,” is available on iTunes right now.  Now, iTunes and I have never gotten along, and I have a CD version of “A Temper of Peace” winding its way here…but God help me, I’ve listened to the samples, and I want it NOW!

If it doesn’t arrive today, I think I’ll buy the downloads from CD Baby, since they give the most money to the artists whenever one of their albums is sold.  Money is tight, but Martin’s such a sweet, amazing guy that I’ve got no problem whatsoever giving him more money. 🙂

Oh, and when the Temple blogs are set up the way I need them to be, I’ll probably go ahead and review it.

I may have to wait on my new keyboard, though, since I still have to do copypasta from time to time to spell out words, and it kills my mood and my rhythm.



You may have noticed that my posts have slowed down.  This is because a key on my keyboard has opted to die, and I’m waiting on an external  keyboard to arrive.  Stay tuned!



In some ways
I never grew up
A childlike soul
Full of enthusiasm
Soaring high above sorrow
And the realities of life

Only to be laid low
By a stone to the heart
Fired from the sling
Of one who sees no place
In the grown up world
For a childlike heart

Brought down to Earth, broken
My soul realizes its flaws
My heart longs for acceptance
So I murder my heart
Smother newborn joy
And strangle enthusiasm

I am just as others wanted me now
My wings are broken–
May I never fly again.


A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, a man wanted to get married.  He prayed to God, made offerings, and petitioned God through every faith practitioner he could find.  God finally came to him in a dream and said, “I have heard your prayers and petitions, and I am prepared to grant your request.  I have two women with good and loyal hearts in mind for you.  I must tell you, though–one is fat and ugly as a toad, but she is very wise and has a vivid imagination, and the other is thin and beautiful, but she is extremely foolish and dull.  Which will you choose?”

The man cursed God and said that he would rather die alone than choose either.

And so, God granted his wish.

Meanwhile, the intelligent and creative but fat and ugly woman went on to become a beauty of renown, and the thin and beautiful woman became quite wise and creative.  Both women were able to do this while retaining their good and loyal hearts, and both women found partners who accepted them as they were and loved them unconditionally.

And the women and their partners lived full and blessed lives, for they realized that beauty changes with the seasons, and wisdom can be gained by those who earnestly seek it, but lasting love is determined by the heart.