
Behold, the ACTION Scrubber!

I love Scrubbing Bubbles. I use it to clean everything from my bathroom to my kitchen floor. It even does a dandy job on my stovetop and counters! Naturally, when BzzAgent offered me the opportunity to try out a new product by Scrubbing Bubbles and share my opinions on it, I (quite literally!) jumped at the chance.

The new product is Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber. The set I received to test consisted of the foam base, four pads presaturated and dehydrated with the scrubbing bubbles solution, and a clear plastic box to house the pads and give the scrubber base a place to rest. The concept behind this new product is that by using the system, those of us (un)fortunate enough to get stuck with bathroom cleaning duties will have fewer steps to a cleaner bathroom.

Unfortunately, it’s not quite that easy. First, one must make sure that the surface is already moistened, which is easy to do in the shower area, but not so easy around the toilet, unless one has a leaky toilet or condensation issues. (With my trusty can of scrubbing bubbles, I’ve never had to pre-moisten a surface to get it clean). Second, one must adhere the pad to the base, then moisten the handy scrubbing bubbles pretreated pad…but not too much! Third, one must start scrubbing away, which is arguably the most fun part of the entire process, as the pad glides swiftly over the surfaces, pounding through dirt, soap scum, and other yuckies like a Vin Diesel antihero. Fourth, one must rinse off the surfaces, or the cleaner will cause them to become obnoxiously sticky. Finally, one has the option of wiping the surfaces dry or letting them air dry.

Does it save steps? Maybe it does for some other bathroom trench wenches, but it doesn’t for me. All I’ve ever really had to do to get my bathroom clean is spray my trusty scrubbing bubbles, let them sit for a bit, then wipe them off with a wet towel, then let things air-dry. Again, though, I was impressed with the way the scrubber slid through grime, which could save one the time and trouble associate with actually scrubbing the surface with something other than the Action Scrubber.

In addition, the fine folks at Scrubbing Bubbles recommend that one use gloves when using this product, and with good reason–the stuff on the pad dried out my skin pretty quickly; it was like I stuck my hands in a bucket of alum (the same stuff used in styptic pencils, pickling, and random recipes). Since I’m allergic to latex and non-latex gloves cost money I don’t have, gloving up is a no-go for me. As it was, I had to lotion my hands repeatedly just to get to the normal level of dry my skin currently enjoys.

Overall, though, this is a good product for anyone who wants an easy way to scrub off bathroom crud. I don’t feel as though it saves me any steps, though, and I hate how it makes my hands feel, so I’ll most likely stick with my trusty can of scrubbing bubbles and designated scrubbing towels.

The Action Scrubber is good idea, but it’s not for everyone. Since I love Scubbing Bubbles pretty much unconditionally, I give it a 4/5. Not bad, but there’s room for improvement, and it’s definitely worth a test drive.

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