
No, I do not need a colon cleansing, thank you

I finally got the spam filter to work on yahoo. I wish they had other filters where I could direct other emails, such as scholarship and grant applications, but meh. What I have is good enough for now.

It is EXTREMELY cold. It was already -2 when we left the store last night, and it was -5 this morning. I hate winter. Steve loves it, but I hate it.

We also did very well yesterday. A lot of people showed up at our store, and we made a good amount of money. If we can keep that up until the end of January, we’ll be able to stay open until February. It’s all very touch and go right now. For those who don’t know, our store is The Lich’s Lair Games, Inc., and we are the place to go in Lansing for tabletop gaming and tournaments. We actually sold out of chocolate yesterday, and that made me happy. A lot of people enjoy our lower prices, and we got our first preorder for Heroclix: Infinite Crisis. Today is supposed to be the Yu Gi Oh! Junior Leagues and V:TES play day, but I don’t know if enough people know that we are here and open yet.

Anyway, Naruto, Magic (the Gathering, not the Johnson), Yu Gi Oh!, and Heroclix all have new stuff coming out at the end of the year. I hope and pray that it all sells well, because we need to be able to keep this going so that people have a place to play and get their stuff.

Blah. I’m hoping for the best, but I’m scared…I’m especially scared about tomorrow, because if I can’t sell stuff, I’m dead meat. I need to watch, learn, and convince people that what we have is what they need.

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